The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the executive committee of the parish. It consists of the Rector, churchwardens and representatives of the (combined) North West Hampshire parish.

With effect from 1 June 2024, the East Woodhay PCC was amalgamated with the Ashmansworth, Crux Easton and Woolton Hill PCCs to form the North West Hampshire PCC. The background is explained on this blog entry.

Matters specific to St Martin's Church are now managed by the Local Church Committee, whose membership is listed here.

The Local Church Committee (LCC)

The LCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the church: maintenance of its assets such as the church building; and promoting the mission of the church.

It has three sub-committees:

Standing Sub-Committee

The Standing Sub-Committee is elected by the LCC to:

  • Manage the business of the LCC between its meetings
  • Advise the LCC on financial strategy
  • Recommend fund-raising and stewardship initiatives to the LCC

Fabric Sub-Committee

The Fabric Sub-Committee is elected by the LCC to:

  • Care for the building and its fixtures & fittings and the churchyard
  • Oversee the Quinquennial Inspection
  • Maintain a rolling plan of works

Social Sub-Committee

The LCC may elect a Social Sub-Committee to:

  • Arrange social occasions for people of the church and village to get together
  • Raise funds to contribute to the maintentance and running of the church
  • Assist with other charitable events as decided by the LCC.

Currently the LCC manages these items directly.