Last week we received the exciting news that Revd Lisa Rodrigues has accepted the offer to become Rector of St Martin’s and the other four churches in the Benefice, having applied for the position based on the Profile we prepared earlier in the year.

Last month Revd Lisa spent an afternoon visiting each church, St Martin’s School and St Thomas’ Infant School, finishing with an Evensong service at St James’ Church Ashmansworth and supper at Ashmansworth Village Hall. Thank you to everyone who planned and took part in the day, especially Canon Dodie Marsden who led the service.

The formal interview, chaired by the Bishop of Basingstoke, Rt Revd David Williams, took place the following morning after which Revd Lisa was offered the job. We are all delighted that she has decided to join us and we look forward to the Institution service at St Thomas’ Church on 29th July at 7.30pm at which everyone is welcome.

As readers will be aware, our Associate Priest, Revd Chris Hancock, and his wife Suzie are leaving us at the end of May. However thanks to the wonderful work of Bishop David and his colleagues, and of course our tireless Licensed Lay Minister, Suki Coe, all the scheduled services in June and July will proceed as planned - Bishop David and other senior clergy leading our communion services.

We have an exciting time ahead!