On 1 June it is expected that four of the five churches’ Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) in the North West Hampshire Benefice will combine to form a single PCC for St James’ Ashmansworth, St Michael & All Angels’ Crux Easton, St Martin’s East Woodhay and St Thomas’ Woolton Hill.  The objective is to simplify governance arrangements and reduce the administrative workload for the churchwardens and particularly the new Rector.

The new PCC will require an Honorary Treasurer.  The role will be similar to that of the existing PCC Treasurers but will have oversight responsibility for the accounts of the four churches.

Typical Responsibilities

* Executing the financial decisions made by the PCC.  The responsibility for raising and spending money to meet the PCC’s responsibilities lies with the PCC.  The Treasurer implements their decisions.

* Drafting an annual budget to assist the PCC to plan how it will fulfil its objectives for the coming year.

* Working with the existing church treasurers to record all financial transactions carried out on behalf of the PCC and ensure they are properly authorised.

* Monitoring the PCC’s finances throughout the year, and alerting the PCC if any difficulties are likely.

* Working with the PCC to meet all its financial obligations, including Parish Share (regular payments to the Winchester Diocese) and clergy expenses, and reclaim of tax under the Government’s Gift Aid scheme.

* Overseeing preparation of the annual financial statements for approval by the PCC and submission to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, ensuring that they comply with current Charity Commission requirements.

* Completing the annual financial information return and submitting to the Diocese.

Key Skill Requirements

* Reasonable financial competence and the ability to maintain basic accounts.

* Computer skills:  accounts are currently held in Microsoft Excel but are being transferred to the online software platforms MyFundAccounting.Online and MyGiving.Online which are used by many CofE churches.

* Ability to work as part of a team including:

o   the existing four PCC Treasurers

o   the Benefice Coordinator who is available to assist with some of the accounting and book-keeping work.

This is a rewarding and personally fulfilling role, critical to the flourishing of our community.  Please apply to  coordinator.nwhb@gmail.com or speak with one of the churchwardens who will be delighted to hear from you!